
How to Teach Kids to Swim at Home

How to Teach Kids to Swim at Home

Swimming pools are ideal spaces for exercise, endurance, agility, breath control and body management. Teaching children from an early age to defend themselves in the water contributes to their psychological, emotional and physical development. Now, a frequent question is: How do I teach my children to swim? First you must know that you must have confidence in yourself and in your little one, because if you are scared because he drinks water or does not swim from the first day, you can transmit that feeling to the child and cause fears and insecurities when it comes to swimming, then to make the experience easier remember to make this learning something fun, full of smiles, games, toys and family togetherness.

It is important for you to know that if you are going to build a swimming pool at home you should turn to experts to help you design the best pool for your family, taking into account depths, stairs, non-slip tiles, handrails, among others, that will allow children to be safe and enter the pool with confidence.

Activities to teach children to swim

One of the first things you should teach your little one is to enter the water safely, as many children are afraid of the swimming pool. You enter the water first and help your child enter carefully. If you see that your child feels unsure, hold his or her hand so that he or she feels safe and calm.

Kicking in the water

Now, when the child is in the water, do kicking exercises, this activity will help your child to be aware of the movement in the water. Place the child face down with his head out of the water, place your arms under the child’s body, holding his stomach and neck, and instruct him to kick up and down, if the child does not understand the instruction with one of your hands help him to kick so that he becomes familiar with the exercise.

Floating face up

If the child does not feel safe, do not force him to lie down, because it can cause fears that prevent the child from learning to swim. If the child lies down, place the child’s head on your shoulder and a hand under his back so that he feels safe and begins to walk backwards. When the child feels more confident, place your hands on the child’s head and back so that he/she feels more free, but with security, and little by little he/she will be able to do it on his/her own.

Holding on to the wall

Help your child to move around in the water by holding on to the wall, so he/she will be able to have strength in his/her arms and gradually move around the water on his/her own without fear. always supervise the activity.

Games with toys

If your swimming pool has a shallow space, place toys in the water so that your child can move and play in the pool, this will generate confidence and tranquility of contact with the water, since he will be able to do it in an autonomous way, generating self-confidence.

Finally, do not forget that it is essential to secure a swimming pool for kids, for example to place alarms, fences, covers, etc, because children sometimes do not inform that they want to enter the water and in a carelessness accidents can occur, you can adapt the swimming pool to be a safe space for all the members of your family and that the swimming pool becomes a recreational and union space. Now that he is more knowledgeable, he enjoys the water.

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