
Learn The Difference Between A Fiberglass Pool Vs A Concrete Pool With Waxhaw NC Pool Builder CPC Pools

Clients investing in a new pool expect to get what they pay for; Waxhaw NC concrete pool builder CPC pools provides that with a concrete pool built to their exacting specifications. Concrete pools rather than fiberglass pools allow us to construct a truly one of a kind pool, complete with every option for your backyard retreat.
Understanding the fundamental differences between concrete pools and fiberglass pools starts with the very pool structure itself. Fiberglass pools are shipped premolded to clients homes, and require a backfill to secure them.
As the pools come preshaped, their design is predetermined, eliminating options that homeowners might otherwise have to add a hot tub or water feature. Vanilla in design, fiberglass pools are not for homeowners looking to actually have a pool that suits their specific needs.
Sand is often used as the backfill to secure fiberglass pools; sand is very granular and malleable, however it’s also coarse. Any erosion due to weather patterns and natural shifting grinds up against the brittle fiberglass shell, creating hairline fractures and bulges- these need immediate attention, and another major investment.
Have your pool built right the first time with Waxhaw concrete pool builder CPC Pools. As a family owned and operated company, we know what it takes to create a solid foundation by which your family can make memories for years to come. Go with a concrete pool build rather than a fiberglass pool, and make that dream pool a reality.

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