
Our Iron Station Pool Builders Can Help Your Family Save!

We’re incredibly grateful for the support throughout all these years, there’s a reason to trust us as the #1 superior Iron Station pool builder– CPC Pools can help your family save on new concrete pool construction, and even help you secure new pool financing from our friends at Lyon’s Bank!
When deciding for yourself what kind of pool to build, invariably it all comes down to two factors- price and custom options. We always encourage our customers to build with concrete, as in the long run concrete pools end up costing by far less than any other pool variant, and can be customized to any design you can possibly imagine.
Fiberglass pools are formed from a mold- this immediately constricts customization options based upon the mold. During shipping from the manufacturer, they can develop hairline fissures not readily apparent, and can develop bulges from the very shifting sand backfill used to secure them.
Vinyl pools on the other hand are a constant investment, with vinyl pool liner replacement costs accruing every 3-8 years. At $4000 a pop, these costs quickly add up, and that’s not even to mention the associated drop in home value due to these very added costs.
Speak with our Iron Station superior pool builders today, our pool building family can help your family save on beautiful new custom concrete pools, and your own backyard paradise!

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